Yum Yum Ship Smart

Using a Shipping Service to save $$

Wouldn’t you like to “Save up to 89% off USPS® & UPS® rates with our free shipping software”? I know I would and I HAVE saved a ton on shipping since I switched to a shipping service in March 2023.

So I asked around and was told about these two online companies:
Shippo: https://goshippo.com/
Pirate Ship: https://ship.pirateship.com/

I have settled on Pirate Ship (recommended by Mercedes who ships a TON for CPCRN and my sister who works in a retail/online store and ships a ton as well). So far (according to Pirate Ship) I have saved almost $400 last year. Here is a good overview of how it works:

It’s free to sign up and all you need is a scale (https://tinyurl.com/bd9buzac – to search Amazon) and boxes. The last part has been tricky for me but I discovered Staples (staples.com) has pretty good prices for boxes especially if you create an account with them (again no charge). They also have discounts if you set up an “Auto-restock” but then you are committed to getting them on a schedule. Savings can be really good however so depending on how much you have to ship, check it out.

But if you only have a few items to mail, whatever you have for boxes (NOT USPS – you can only use those for Priority mail) will work.

Try it once and see if it will work for you and save you $$ and time – it’s so easy to just walk into the UPS Store or the USPS and put your item, already weighed and labelled, on the counter and walk back out (you can get a receipt at UPS but sometimes I don’t bother). Especially around the holidays when the lines can be out the doors.

Thanks for all you do by volunteering and I hope this helps! Feel free to ask me any questions about this and I will try to answer. Also, if you want reimbursement for your postage scale, I’m sure CPCRN will be glad to reimburse you. Check the box on the Volunteer Form and we’ll send you the standard reimbursement form or write us at: [email protected]

Priority & Flat Rate from USPS

If you need to send your Yum Yum via USPS Priority or Flat Rate Mail (we only recommend this if you HAVE to do it due to time or size limitations), did you know that you can get FREE shipping boxes from the USPS (Post Office)? AND have them delivered right to your door? Who knew the government actually used our tax dollars for something worthwhile!!??? Check out the link below for details:

Be sure and view all the options to see all the various sizes and figure out what will work best for your Yum Yum as it is packaged. As noted below, if you can send items Parcel Post or First Class Mail, that will save money as well. However you will have to supply your own boxes for Ground (and see above to save a lot of $$$ by using a Shipping Service!)

So if you have decided on your packaging for your Yum Yum (and remember you do NOT have to do any fancy packaging – that is completely up to you), measure it against the various Priority Mail or Flat Rate boxes and place your order TODAY! Sometimes the boxes take a little longer to get to you so you want to be prepared. But you’ll come home one day and find the best boxes delivered right to your door. You just have to fill them and send them out. See the link below on Helpful information on sending packaging via USPS.

Don’t hesitate to write if you have questions!

We don’t know all the answers but we can always help. Email: [email protected]