
Today I celebrate 4 years with my wonderful little Tasha (CP’s
Perpetua). I spent three years in the application process with
Colonel Potter hoping and wishing for just the right one. I lost
out on several that became “foster fl unkies” and I missed out on a few
that just were not the right match. Finally one day in August of 2017
my matchmaker, Suzanne, sent me an email about a group that came
in (I think they were called the “Cape” group, or the lighthouse group,
I don’t remember, but they were all named for capes here in the NW)
and all were located right here in the Pacific Northwest! I was so excited
that not only did we finally have some prospects close by, but I knew
I probably had a pretty good chance at getting one because they were
all older, and by this time I was pretty sure I had to be at the top of the
wait list.
When I saw the picture of “Perpetua” my heart melted and I put in
my interest immediately. Lo and behold, I was approved by the foster
home (thank you Michelle!) and Liz said it was a go! I promptly sent
a bandanna with our scent on it for Michelle to put in with her so she
would know who we were and waited for the day I could pick her
up. That day, September 16, 2017, we drove over to Maryhill to meet
Michelle and pick up our new family member. I remember hopping out
of the car and I see Tasha standing next to Michelle, and Tasha saw me and
immediately starts dancing and pulling at the leash to get to us!
She knew we were her family and Michelle just laughed and said as much.

Was everything perfect from the beginning? No, there was a LOT of adjustment. I had always started from puppy, so to start from 7 years old with one that had been used in a breeding facility and we had no idea how she had been raised, other than as a breeder, I was unprepared for her “quirks.” I will say that having my Bella (RIP) there initially helped a lot as she taught Tasha how to be a dog, including finding her voice! We chuckled at first because she sounded like a smoker, she had a very raspy and deep bark, but she soon overcame that too. Suzanne was such a help through those first few months and when she finally said “trust your instincts,” it clicked for me and the rest is, as they say, history.
My sweet Tasha has fought very hard this last year, first after swallowing a ¾ inch basalt rock and having surgery to remove it, then being diagnosed with stage four high grade carcinosarcoma (breast) cancer, and given less than a year to live, I really thought by this time I would be writing a tribute to her in a much different way. I am thankful she is beating the odds and I am so grateful for Colonel Potter and all this group does to rescue these sweet souls and I am so proud to be part of this organization, even in just a small way as we don’t get a lot of action up here in the Pacific Northwest, but I am most thankful for the four years I have been gifted with Tasha. I am adding a couple pics so you can see she adjusted well to the good life. LOL
Lisa M
West Richland, WA