Keepers of the Clan

The Keepers of the Clan memorials are for those dedicated CPCRN members who have passed away while working as an active volunteer within Col. Potter. These volunteers, giving of their heart and time to find a happy forever after for our little dogs, always have a place in our hearts, but now can be shared with others visiting this wall. Please hold them in your heart while they pass over the Rainbow Bridge, with so many of our little ones dancing alongside them.
2025 Memorials

January 22, 2025, our founder and steadfast Col. Potter loyalist, Danielle Rackstraw, left this earthly plane to join all her Cairns (and Doberman’s and Dachshunds) at the Bridge; and to meet up again with her beloved George, who we lost in September 2023. Danielle and George started showing Cairns in conformation and produced many wonderful champion dogs under their kennel name of Greyfriar in the 80’s and 90’s. Danielle started Col. Potter in 2001 with a lick and a promise and laid the foundation our current Board and Officers built on to make Col. Potter what it is today. Danielle stepped back from volunteering and any official capacity in our organization in 2015, but remained a member of the Board, emeritus. We know exactly what Danielle would want us to do … think of her fondly and often and make a donation to her beloved Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network. Thank you, Danielle, for all you did for so many.
When Danielle fell ill in 2017, and was put in Hospice care we produced a video memorial for her because, well, yes – she wanted to approve it. She rebounded and was here for six+ more years. Here is the link to that video and although some of the numbers have changed since, the sentiment is still the same:
2024 Memorials

In November 2024 our long-time friend, volunteer and CP Family member, Marsha Bateman of OH, passed away. Greeted we know for sure, at the Bridge by many, many little furry ones. Marsha did Home Safety Visits, Transports and Fostered many dogs for CP. She was a dear friend and a wonderful human being. Rest well Marsha, your wings are surely earned.

We lost a sweet soul in September 2024. Burma Jones, adoptive home, volunteer transporter, avid quilter and just a lovely woman, left this earthly plane to join her Cairns Howie and Gwinny at the Rainbow Bridge. We will miss you Burma, you were a gem for sure.

We lost another family member on May 3, 2024. Irene Connor was a long-standing member of the Col. Potter volunteer team. She was a foster home, an adoptive home, worked in tags, and a transporter. She was a very soft spoken ‘behind the scenes’ kind of person and was always such a pleasure to be around. Col. Potter was able to take in her CP pup before Irene left for the Bridge, which gave her much comfort. Rest well dear friend, we will see you again.

It is so hard to lose a friend, a sister, a confidante, a fellow volunteer…but when you lose someone like Mary, it hits extra hard. Mary joined Col. Potter as a volunteer in 2007, she was a foster home and did many other behind the scenes jobs for us. If that wasn’t enough, and it surely was; in 2013 Mary jumped in with both feet as an Officer for CP, taking on the role of HSV Director (Home Safety Visits). When we learned of Mary’s passing, unexpectedly on Monday, April 22, we were all in a state of disbelief. We know where she is, and we know how many dogs she now has on her lap at the Bridge. We cannot express how much she will be missed, and our thoughts and prayers are always with her husband Mike and their family.

Col. Potter lost another family member in April 2024. Margaret was a former foster home, transporter, general volunteer; full time friend and sister to many. Some of us met her at the WV CRAP at our beloved Sydney Dixon’s home. Margaret was a sweet, softspoken, gentle being – so unlike our breeds most time; but the compliment to each other was obvious. We always joked about how her hair always matched her dog. We will miss you dear Margaret – and know your lap at the Bridge is already covered.

In March 2024, Col. Potter suffered a devastating loss when our sister and friend Betsy Malavet died peacefully in her home. Betsy was one of those foster homes that willingly took in the older and infirmed dogs that we were able to rescue. She was a friend to many and is already so sorely missed. Betsy left behind her three dogs who Col. Potter gladly took under their wing. Rest well Betsy, you’ve earned your rest.
2023 Memorials

On August 9, 2023, we lost a former member of the CP family. Denise was with Col. Potter for several years. She worked in several areas of rescue before moving on a few years back. Denise will be missed and remembered my many of the “old guard” CP folks..
Black Davis

On January 29, 2023, we all lost a friend and family member in Mary. Mary was with Col. Potter for many, many years, in many different capacities. She LOVED her Cairns. She was until recently, an active member of our Card Team. Mary will be missed and remembered as a joyous person that always had a smile and a giggle.

On September 24, 2023, we lost a foundation block to Col. Potter. George, the other half of our founder, Danielle, left us after a lengthy illness. His support of CP through its years from inception to building to standing behind Danielle always, will be sorely missed. Enjoy the view from up there dear George, thanks for EVERYTHING!

In December 2023, we lost a dear friend to Col. Potter. Kendall was a breeder of gorgeous Cairns and held all the ribbons to show for it. She was also a huge supporter and volunteer of Col. Potter. She had one of the best smiles ever. She fought a hard fight, several times, but cancer won, again. She will be so missed but know her lap is getting much use at the Bridge.
2022 Memorials

On October 28, 2022, We not only lost a CP volunteer, we lost a family member, a mentor, a confidante and a dear, dear friend and sister. Sydney fought the good fight, but God wanted her back. Although Sydney’s light may have gone out, her glow will remain in our hearts forever. Sydney opened up her home twice for large CP gatherings, so we could all meet and see each other face to face and played a huge role in the very first volume of our wonderful cookbook. It was said “it would not have happened without her”. Sydney was a foster home, a matchmaker and she had many other roles in CP, but the biggest role she played was friend. We know her lap is full at the Bridge now, covered and surrounded by all the dogs before her, and her beloved Braveheart Cairns. We will see you again Sydney, but until then we will miss you very much.

We were all so shocked and heartbroken when we received word in October 2022 that our dear friend Kathy had passed to cardiac arrest during a FL hurricane. Kathy was a former foster home, adoptive home, Transport Director, transporter and all-around volunteer. Kathy was a soft spoken beautiful human being who we miss terribly. Until we reach the other side Kathy…

In August 2022, another one of our wonderful volunteers left this earthly plane to become a fresh lap for all the dogs to sit on at the Bridge. Nan was a charming and witty person and a wonderful friend. She lived and breathed CP…she was formerly a foster home and most recently before she left us, a ‘blanket auntie”. Thank you Nan, for everything – now take your rest. Obituary

In August 2022, We lost another one of our beloved foster homes. Lisa adopted her last three fosters and two of them were with her in the end. She was a sweet, kind, friendly member of our family, and we will miss her very much. Farewell Lisa, make your lap available at the Bridge.

On March 16, 2022 Col. Potter lost a good friend, volunteer, adopter and supporter; a gentle man, a wealth of knowledge and a family member. Michael fought the good fight, but cancer won in the end and he passed peacefully in his sleep. He was met at the Bridge by his beloved CP Cairns Monte and Karen. Michael requested that donations be made in his honor to us here at Col. Potter. You can click this link or you can send a check to CPCRN, PO Box 33, Mehoopany PA 18629. He is pictured here with his beloved Karen. Farewell Michael, and thank you for all the ‘talks’.

In March 2022, we lost a wonderful friend and CP family member. Carol resided in OH and after a fight to recover from a series of strokes in July 2021 she lost her battle. We know she had many she helped, to greet her at the Bridge, but mostly her beloved CP girls Libby and Farrah. Rest well dear friend, and please be sure to be generous with all the hugs and snuggles at the Bridge. Carol requested donations be made to CP in her memory and honor:
2021 Memorials
Ed & Marilyn

On November 27, 2021, we lost a CP friend and family member in Marilyn Bumby. She is joining her husband Ed and ALL the Cairns they touched over the many years they were breeders under their kennel name Brocair, conformation exhibitors, agility exhibitors, obedience exhibitors, mentors, loyalists and dear, dear friends. They provided many beautiful things for us to auction and for our in person events, as well as attending; and after their champion Cairn breeding days were done, they adopted from CP. Those of us that knew them were better for it. Rest well you two – enjoy having your laps covered with love at the Bridge.
Maureen “Mo”

On November 13, 2021, we lost a former CP volunteer and family member. Met by a crowd at the Bridge, we are sure.
Swisher Neville

On August 29, 2021, surrounded by her four legged and two legged family, our friend, volunteer, foster home and CP family member passed away peacefully after two hard fought battles with cancer. Words cannot express the joy her laughter brought to those of us that had the pleasure of hearing it. She even asked donations be sent to Col. Potter. We love you Kathleen, and we will see you again some day.

On August 12, 2021, we lost a wonderful fellow rescuer, volunteer, and CP family member. Joan and her husband Neil were CP adoptive parents, transporters, Joan did administrative work for CP to include working with the team on the Volume II cookbook, and she was also a past member of the card sending team. Joan left behind her beloved Cairns with her husband Neil. She had a large circle of family and friends and we will miss her so very much. Joan asked that donations be sent to Col. Potter in her honor. Until we meet again dear Joan.

On May 27, 2021 our hearts were again broken, when just four and a half months after we lost our family member, Mike’s wife, Lori; Mike lost his hard fought battle with cancer. But NOT before he made sure that his three beloved fur kids came into the loving arms of Col. Potter and were safely in their foster homes. His gentle nature and kindness is remembered by all of us; all of us that had the pleasure to meet him and those that only knew of him. Mike, rest well, and along with Lori, provide that lap of love that we know everyone at the Bridge is clamoring for. Visit with all the pups that you walked into the sunlight with your loving ways. We will miss you forever and beyond.

On March 3, 2021 our hearts were shattered when we lost a true angel here on earth. Ann had already grown her angel wings, so we know her flight to Heaven to be with her beloved husband Wayne, was a quick one. Ann was a friend, a mom, a grandmother, a foster mom, a volunteer, a sister and an endless ‘giver’. She touched all who knew her, both two and four legged, with a gentle and loving hand. She helped many, many dogs across the death’s door threshold to live full and happy lives…many of them still here living the high life. Words can’t truly express what she meant to all of us, even those who never actually met her. Ann was very small in stature but she was huge in LOVE… Her gentle hands helped to guide so many fur babies, like Rakel, Sprout, Meadow, Miss Who, MAX, Ginger, Zoe, Miri, Sissy, Molly, Frisco, Max, Gracie, Leif … the list is quite long. We know her lap isn’t big enough for everyone at the Bridge, but we know, just by her nature, she will allow them all to take turns. Take joy, dear Ann, in knowing how much you meant to all of us, and that we will see you again someday. (In this photo with Ann is one of the puppies she delivered into freedom in 2006.) For Ann’s full epilogue, you can go here:

On January 11, 2021, we lost someone very dear to all of us. She touched so many people and dogs, in one way or another in her life. She was a volunteer in the biggest sense of the word for Col. Potter. In her time with us she was on the Intakes Team, a Foster Home, a Foster Home Mentor, and she and her husband Mike were the first mom and dad to not only many CP foster dogs, but to their new born babies too; as she was one of our priceless whelping moms. Her loving hands were the first to hold and touch these puppies born to freedom, the first truly kind hands the momma dog ever knew. Loving, caring, knowledgeable, giving, honest…the hole she has left in so many of us will take a very long time to heal, if ever. Covid-19 took our Lori, as it has so many other’s loved ones. Her lap is covered with dogs at the Bridge, and most of them knew her personally. Farewell our dear friend…farewell.

2020 Memorials

On November 10, 2020, a dear friend, family member and volunteer of CP left to join all the furry kids at the Rainbow Bridge. Mike was the beloved husband to our Pam Moore, who holds many volunteer positions in the organization. A loving adoptive home for several CP kids, Mike left us unexpectedly, but surely not without all our love for his dedication. Another wonderful lap at the Bridge.

On July 22, 2020, Col. Potter unexpectedly lost a dear friend, and one of our dedicated volunteers lost her life partner, husband, and father to their son Jack. If you knew John, you couldn’t help but like him, as he was a “salty old dog” for sure. The love and dedication he had for his beloved dogs, and many, many fosters, is surely evident in this photo of one of their foster girls, Bubbles. Rest well dear John, and KNOW you will be sorely and surely missed.

In January 2020 Col. Potter lost a brother, a true advocate and guardian of the Cairns. George will be deeply missed by his wife Claudia and all of us here. Until we see you in the sunshine dear friend….

On April 16, 2020, CP lost a dear friend, a sister and a true supporter of the Col. Potter family. Heaven welcomed her with open arms after a valiant but brief battle. Doris, known to some of us as Dee, passed peacefully at home, surrounded by her beloved family and her Cairn, Larry, who now lives with her son. Doris was known to many from attendance at CP events, her generosity and her gentle and loving nature. She will be terribly missed.
2019 Memorials

On July 13, 2019 Col. Potter lost a volunteer, a sister and a friend, and Heaven gained a new angel. Our Alice fought a good fight, but in the end needed to go home. She left behind her three Cairns and her husband Tom. Alice spent many years being a CP family member, and her kindness and dedication will be sorely missed.

On April 10, 2019, the mom of one of our full time volunteers left to be with the angels. Nancy was the mother of our Board member Amy Robinson. In addition to being the best Dog Grandma to her many Grand Dogs, Nancy in years past, volunteered as director of a group of friends to knit and crochet blankets for Col. Potter’s foster dogs. The group called “Ladies in their Eighties” also made several Afghans for humans to use and donated them to our many fundraisers. Nancy fought the good fight for a lot of years, but is finally at peace. OH what a great lap the dogs at the Bridge now have to sit on. In this photo is one of her Grand Dogs, Ginger (RB).

On April 4, 2019, Col. Potter lost a beloved friend and family member. Lynn was a foster home, an adoptive home, as well as a transporter of our Cairns. She is pictured here with her boy Watson, a therapy dog and they cherished life together. Oh those lucky dogs at the Bridge will now have THIS wonderful lap to sit on. Until we meet again…

On February 1, 2019 one of our wonderful Col. Potter Family members left this earth way too soon. Jamie fought the good fight, but in the end, heaven wanted her back. Jamie was an adoptive home and a valued member of our volunteer staff, most recently lending her talents to our blog. In addition to her work with CP, she LOVED to crochet and was self taught, making the most beautiful doilies. Please light a candle and join us in sending Jamie off to the Bridge with all our heartfelt thoughts and prayers for her and her family. We are all devastated by this loss.

2018 Memorials

Col. Potter lost another beloved family member on November 6, 2018. Rob was one of our wonderful foster homes. He left us after a short illness. Seeing in our mind’s eye, all the Cairns now sitting on his lap! Until we see you again dear friend.

With heavy hearts, we once again say goodbye to one of our wonderful volunteers. Linda Robertson left this earth the morning of July 24, 2018 to join all the little ones at the Bridge. Linda was an adoptive home and a beloved foster home for us. She is at peace and will never be forgotten.

One of the most wonderful things we have in rescue, are those people that are a big part of our lives, supporting us and all our efforts. Larry was one of those wonderful people, the big part of our Kathie Rudy. He left this earth on April 21, 2018 very unexpectedly. We say life is measured by how many people will miss us when we are gone. Many people will miss dear Larry. Until we see you again…

Col. Potter lost another wonderful friend on March 20, 2018. Christel Johnson, Foster Home, Transporter, Lover of Cairns and everything CP, left this earthly plane after a courageous battle with cancer. Chris was a friend to everyone that met her, she was one of those people you carry in your heart always. Chris is right now cuddling with all our little ones that went ahead of her at the Bridge, and will be there to greet those that are still with us. Farewell dear, dear friend, you have left a hole in all our hearts.

On March 6, 2018, a true angel headed for the Rainbow Bridge. Our dear Jeanine Diesel left us unexpectedly. Jeanine was a foster home, transport volunteer, and all around wonderful CP family member. We are devastated at this loss and know there are many little furry ones there, waiting to have a turn on her lap. We will surely miss you dear friend.
2017 Memorials

On December 7, 2017 one of our dear Col. Potter sisters gained her angel wings. Colleen was a foster home, participant in many of our programs and just one of those wonderful souls we will never forget. She is now at the Bridge with her beloved Scarlet – looking down and watching over us. We will miss you, Colleen. Thanks for all you gave us.

In November 2017 we lost a wonderful woman we all came to know and love. Kaye Kjorlaug, mom to our Lisa Neal, gained her wings. She not only did many transports, but she was also one of our cherished foster home moms. We envision SO many Cairns taking turns on her lap on the other side. Thank you Kaye, for being our friend…until we see you again.

On November 6, 2017 Col. Potter lost one of its family members. Geri was an all around volunteer, a fundraiser, a wonderful foster home and a true friend to all of us. There are many, many CP Cairns at the Bridge, who have just been waiting for Geri to arrive. We will miss you so, until we meet again.

In May 2017, Col. Potter lost a wonderful family member and volunteer, Wendy Dana, after fighting the good fight against cancer. Wendy never missed an opportunity to help whether it be to transport, foster, or play a role in the approval process of our adoptive homes. Farewell dear friend. We know you had a wonderful greeting at the Rainbow Bridge.

The Col. Potter family lost another member on May 11, 2017. Jerry Barton, friend, volunteer, foster home, mentor and just terrific fellow. His quick wit and dry sense of humor will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Farewell Jerry, until we meet again.
2016 Memorials

CP lost a dear friend in June 2016. Charlotte Anderson, a foster home and long time volunteer for Col. Potter, crossed the Bridge to be with her Cairns. Charlotte departed very unexpectedly and left us all feeling very lost. Farewell dear friend, we will see you on the other side. Charlotte had made plans for her Cairns in the event of her passing, just showing what an amazing woman she was.

Col. Potter lost another dear friend on September 6, 2016 when volunteer and foster home Kirk Jensen lost his battle with cancer and went to the Rainbow Bridge. We know he is there now with many a Cairn on his lap to love. Kirk’s two Cairns are in their new forever home and doing very well.

We lost our dear friend Paul on August 11, 2016 after he realized that a trip to the hospital would be his last. He made arrangements from the ER to have his boys come into Col. Potter. His last thought was for them. Paul was an adoptive home and participated in our PR events. He will be sorely missed. Until we meet again dear friend…
2015 Memorials

Earl Byers; our Daddy-O, our Golden Eagle, veteran of three wars (WW II, Korea and Vietnam) and beloved Father to our sister and volunteer Terri Bruno, crossed with the angels on December 19, 2015, on his beloved wife’s birthday. He was loved by us all, and will be sorely missed. As he joins Terri’s Mom, his Chihuahua babies and all our Cairns have another lap to sit on now, at the Bridge.

Ron Kowalski left his earthly bonds after a valiant fight against cancer, on December 17, 2015. Ron was one of our most wonderful foster homes, moving many, many CP dogs through his loving arms. Ron was a warm and loving man with a hard knock exterior that we all loved and we will miss him always. The Cairns that were fortunate enough to be guided by his gentle, loving hands, carry him with them as do each of us.

Betty Richardson, past President and charter member of the Cascade Cairn Terrier Club is now an angel watching over our fur kids, leaving us in August 2015. Those of you who knew Betty know that she had a feisty personality and intense love for the Cairn Terrier. Betty will be remembered for her beautiful paintings and art that some of us are lucky enough to own, her quick wit and generosity.

2014 Memorials

The “Captain” has left the helm. Our friend Wayne Stainback, beloved husband of Ann, passed on to the Rainbow Bridge in early December 2014, very unexpectedly. Wayne was a long time Col. Potter family member belonging to the Promotion Team as well as doing many transports, many projects and fostered many, many Col. Potter kids over the many years he was with us. His loss is felt very deeply by us all and he will be missed forever.

Donald Swanz, husband to Kim Dodge Swanz, left this earthly plane in June 2014, after a valiant battle against cancer. Donald was a generous DH (Dog Husband) and a beloved member of the Col. Potter Family. Donald will be truly missed, but we can all imagine the greeting he received at the Rainbow Bridge.
2012-2013 Memorials

Marlene Tingler passed away on November 10, 2013 after fighting the good fight against cancer. Marlene was a steadfast volunteer and touched us all with her strength and bravery. She will be terribly missed. Marlene’s husband Chuck will carry the flame for the Cairns in their life.

CP’s dear friend Peggy John of CT, passed on August 19, 2012, surrounded by her loving family. Peggy was Mo Keslar’s mom and so LOVED by Cairns – she made blanket after blanket and many other wonderful things to help us save more Cairns. Peggy will be very sorely missed by all of her CP Family.

Patricia Augustine passed away on Sunday July 29, 2012. Pat was a long time member of the CP family making countless wonderful pieces of embroidery filled with Cairn love. She will be missed by all, but surely by her family – Karin Maeys and Mike Oppeau.

Richard Jones, husband to CP’s Kaaren Jones, of KS was surely a keeper of the clan. Richard passed in February 2012 after a valiant battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. Dick’s is the lap the Cairns at the Bridge are sitting on right now.
2010-2011 Memorials

Carol Loeb, who was also affectionately known as “Sister Bubbles,” passed after a courageous battle with cancer on January 22, 2011. Carol will be remembered as a fellow volunteer, a sister and a special heart-friend to all of us. The pain we all feel is tremendous, but we take comfort in knowing that Carol left this earth to continue her work for the Cairns at the Rainbow Bridge. We are sure when she arrived they all scurried over to greet her. You are so missed dear friend, but know all your hard work is surely paying off. With you looking over our shoulders, we will continue to help the Cairns that need us.

Diane Hard died quietly and quite unexpectedly in her sleep on July 10, 2010 after spending a full day at a family reunion surrounded by her loved ones. Diane attended our MO CRAP June 18, 2010 and thankfully, we all got to spend a little time with her. Her three CP Cairns have come back into rescue to be surrounded by love until they find a new forever home. Diane will be sorely missed.
2006-2009 Memorials

Darlene Rodgers, friend to all who knew her, even if only briefly, lost her battle with cancer in March 2010. Darlene was a true volunteer for CP and we all miss her so. Darlene joined her best pal “Jolly” at the Bridge.

Jude Brandt died unexpectedly at home on December 23rd, 2009. Jude was mom to five Cairns and had the foresight to make sure all her fur kids were taken care of. They all came into CP and all were adopted into the same home. Sadly, shortly after Jude crossed the bridge, she was joined by one of her beloved Cairns who died quietly in her sleep in her new home in January 2010. Together again.
Mary Lou

Mary Lou Shobe was hit by a drunk driver while walking with her little Toto. While Toto survived, Mary Lou succumbed to her injuries on December 5th, 2008. Mary Lou was a warm and loving friend and her loss struck us all to the core. She knows we are carrying the torch for her in CP.

Pat McKinney passed after a courageous battle with cancer on August 3, 2007. Pat was integral in the forming of CP and kept us all on the “right path” with her moderating of our messages. Pat loved her Cairns and showed in conformation for many years. She is with all those Cairns now, across the Rainbow Bridge.

Lee Merkel died unexpectedly on June 12, 2007. Lee, along with his partner, Ellie Moran, worked tirelessly together in many aspects of Col. Potter. Lee is coaching from the Bridge, to make sure Ellie and all of us, continue in the quest to help these little dogs.

Helen Davidson, mom to Piper, passed unexpectedly at home on January 28, 2007. Helen touched us all with her sense of humor and wit. Her strong and powerful love of her Cairns, we are sure, has brought her to them at the Bridge.

Enrique Calzada died in a bus crash on November 11, 2006. Together with his wife Mary, Enrique transported, fostered, and adopted many Cairns. We know that he is watching over all of us still.