
I am Adopted
Gender: Male
Age: 10 years
Weight: 23 LBS
Color: Red Wheaten
Breed: Mixed Breed
Location: Rochester Hills, Michigan
adopt icon pink

More About Sean

Sean is a big boy at 23 lbs, but he is not overweight. He was found as a stray running around playing catch me if you can, but he loves people and will shower you with kisses if you let him. He plays with toys and will cuddle on the couch with you. He is fully potty trained. He loves to go for walks so much that he runs all over the place zig zagging around and will run with you if you run. He doesn’t act like an older dog at all, but he is hard of hearing and has the start of cataracts as well as is missing some teeth, so we are estimating he is about 10. However his blood work came back perfect and appears to be in really good health. He does have a fluffier coat then most cairns and it’s thick like a husky so he needs regular brushing, but doesn’t seem to mind it. He’s been spayed, microchipped, and is about to get a dental. We have put him on eyedrops because of an elevated pressure in one eye that will need to be monitored.


UPDATE 7/22/2024: Sean is such a fun and loving dog. He follows foster mom everywhere. He absolutely loves going on walks, but for some reason he doesn’t like bicycles and will bark like crazy at them. If he is out when we are watering, he goes crazy playing in the stream from the hose. He’s had absolutely no accidents in the house. He does get excited to go outside though, so you have to really watch the doors carefully or he will slide right between your legs. He can’t hear you when you call, so you have to get his attention, but he comes right away when he sees you because he just wants to be with you. He ignores the other dog in the house that tends to be possessive of foster mom and growls at him, but that doesn’t bother Sean. He just walks away. If you’re looking for a new companion, Sean would love to come play with you. Please check out this video: