Who We Are
Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network (CPCRN) was formed for:
- The charitable purpose of rescuing purebred and mixed Cairn Terriers, Westhighland White Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, Norwich Terriers, Norfolk Terriers, Border Terriers and Scottish Terriers, which are homeless or soon to be homeless.
- Without limitation those found in animal shelters or released by their families for a variety of reasons. Also those Terriers and Terrier mixes who have been used as breeding stock by so called puppy mills and backyard breeders.
- Facilitate the pickup and transport of these dog.
- Arrange for spay/neuter and all appropriate veterinary care.
- Rehabilitating these dogs in foster homes.
- Seeking applications for and screening prospective adoptive homes.
- Education the public about responsible Terrier care and ownership.
The Story Behind Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network
By Danielle Rackstraw

If one were to consider a name to call a Cairn Terrier Rescue organization, Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network certainly would NOT be high on your list of names that you would consider. Often in life, there are chain of events that you just don’t question. Things fall so perfectly into place, that you just know in your heart that what is happening was meant to be. The same could be said about the formation and incorporation of Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network.
This is the story on Col. Potter and how, through his memory, a new rescue group was “officially” formed. Often when there is an ending to a story, there is an even more important beginning.
On the AOL Cairn list, every member who participated on this list knew who Col. Potter was. The Colonel had one of those endearing personalities, and he was enough of an imp that he was spoken of constantly. He was truly loved by all. He was a young wheaten Cairn, with HUGE ears and a heart to match. His owner Patti referred to him as the PERFECT Cairn. The Colonel was actually a very well-trained Cairn considering he was just two years of age, and along with his young age, came the typical Cairn antics.
The Colonel met with a tragic accident. In a moment in time, he ran out into the street and a car hit him. He died on the way to the Vet’s office. Everything happened so fast. The Colonel was on a leash in his front yard with Patti’s husband Chuck, Patti’s son and several of Ryan’s friends. Good-byes were being said as friends were leaving, and “who was holding the leash” was wrongly assumed. Col. Potter ran out into the street. The Colonel never made it to the Vet’s office. He started his journey to the Rainbow Bridge a few minutes later.
All of the Colonel’s friends on the AOL list were devastated. A collection for a gift or a lasting memory was started. We wanted to keep the Colonel’s memory alive. Our group’s original intent was to buy a ‘star’ in the Galaxy, and have it named after the Colonel and this we did. We wanted to purchase Written In Stone III and have a group dedication, and this we did. We still had additional funds, and it was decided that we would obtain and foster a special needs Cairn Terrier.
The donations in the Colonel’s honor were still arriving as others learned of his passing. We would receive five dollars one day and ten dollars the next. A little girl sent us her whole allowance. We now had funding for one additional rescue dog to be helped with Col. Potter funds. People have huge hearts when they know they can make a big difference. We formed Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network, and we have rescued many Cairns since our first “official” rescue in the Colonel’s name.
Many of the dogs that we have helped have been what is considered to be “non-regular” Cairn rescues. Those from puppy mills (the breeding dogs). We also handle those with some health issues and the elderly. Several of the Colonel’s “kids” have had Heartworm and were treated for this. Some have had some behavioral issues, and are now great little pals in private homes.
All stories should have a happy ending, and this one is no exception. Patti and her family drove from Colorado to California that year, and they now have another “perfect” new Cairn: Pie-Face. Life goes on! Pie is participating in obedience and agility, and is the love of the entire family.